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Monday, January 14

Aneka Resep Keripik dari Umbi

Resep Keripik Singkong
Bahan :
- Singkong (pastikan yang masih segar dan berukuran besar dan isinya berwarna putih tidak ungu)
- Bawang putih
- Garam
- Air kapur sirih
- Air
- Minyak goreng
Cara membuat:
- Kupas singkong dan pisahkan dari kulitnya kemudan cuci hingga bersih.
- Potong-potong atau iris tipis singkong yang sudah bersih. Pastikan irisan harus tipis dan rata agar tidak keras.
- Haluskan bawang putih dan garam, lalu masukkan dalam air secukupnya, tambahkan sedikit saja (sekitar 1 sendok makan) air kapur sirih.
- Masukkan irisan singkong ke dalam air yang sudah dibumbui lalu rendam (sekitar ½ jam atau semalaman) agar bumbu bisa meresap. Setelah itu tiriskan.
- Keringkan singkong yang habis direndam tersebut sampai benar-benar kering tapi tanpa sinar matahari langsung.
- Siapkan dua tempat penggorengan, satu dengan minyak dengan suhu sedang (goreng sampai setengah matang) dan yang satunya lagi dengan minyak yang sudah panas (goreng sampai matang).
- Setelah melalui tahap penggorengan, keripik bisa langsung dimakan.
- Untuk menambah rasa sedap, Anda bisa memberi bumbu tambahan misalnya diberi garam, keju atau bahkan sambal balado.

Resep Keripik Kentang

Bahan :
- 1/2 kg Kentang, kupas, cuci bersih
- 1 sdt Kapur sirih, larutkan ke air sedikit
- Air panas, secukupnya
- Minyak goreng, secukupnya
- Bahan taburan keripik kentang misal keju bubuk, cabai bubuk, balado, dll sesuai selera

Cara Membuat :
- Ambil kentang, iris tipis.
- Rendam kentang dalam air panas lalu beri air larutan kapur sirih.
- Diamkan hingga kurang lebih 30 menit, kemudian angkat dan cuci bersih. Tiriskan.
- Goreng dalam minyak panas sampai kentang benar-benar terendam minyak. Gunakan api sedang.
- Tunggu hingga kentang benar-benar garing renyah dan berwarna kuning kecoklatan atau keemasan, angkat, tiriskan, taburi dengan bumbu keju bubuk atau menurut selera.

Resep Keripik Talas

Bahan :
-1 sendok teh kapur sirih
-1 kilogram talas
-2 liter air
-Minyak goreng secukupnya
-Garam dapur secukupnya

Cara Membuat :
-Pertama-tama, siapkan talas, kupas kulit talas lalu cuci bersih, iris tipis memanjang (seperti stik).
-Jemur talas yang telah diiris tadi dibawah terik matahari selama 2 jam supaya kandungan getahnya hilang.
-Campur kapur sirih, garam, dan air sehingga menjadi larutan, lalu rendamlah talas yang sudah diiris dan dijemur sebelumnya.
-Panaskan minyak goreng dengan suhu sedang, goreng talas hingga kering dan matang. Angkat kemudian tiriskan.

Resep Keripik Ubi Jalar
Bahan :
- Ubi jalar 10 kg
- Minyak goreng 1 kg
- Garam dapur 120 gram
- Kapur Sirih yang dilarutkan dalam air
- Air 10 liter

Cara Pembuatan :
- Pilih ubi yang baru dipanen lalu cuci. Kupas dan hilangkan bagian tunasnya.
- Ubi jalar yang sudah dikupas cepat rendam dalam air untuk mencegah perubahan warna.
- Iris tipis-tipis dengan ketebalan 1 ½ ~ 2 ½ mm
- Untuk memperbaiki warna keripik dan menghilangkan rasa getir dapat
direndam dalam 10 liter air yang diberi kapur sirih yang dilarutkan dalam air.
- Cuci dan tiriskan kemudian kukus selama 5 menit setelah air mendidih.
- Letakkan pada tampah lalu jemur. Irisan harus sering dibalik sebelum kering untuk mencegah supaya tidak lengket.
- Goreng irisan yang sudah kering. Irisan ubi yang dimasukkan jangan terlalu banyak dan api jangan terlalu besar.
- Keripik yang sudah digoreng biarkan beberapa lama, kemudian kemas dalam kantong plastik, tutup rapat, dan simpan di tempat kering.

Friday, October 26

A Boy and An Apple Tree - A True Friendship Story

One time, there lived a big apple tree and a boy who liked to play around under the apple tree everyday. He was happy to climb up to the top of the tree, eat the fruit, and nap in the shade of the shady leaves. The boy loved the apple tree. Similarly, the apple tree is very love little boy too.
Time flies. The boy had grown big and no longer playing with the apple tree every day. One day he went to the apple tree. His face looked sad.
“Come over here and play with me,” said the apple tree.
“I’m not a little kid playing with the tree again,” replied the boy. “I want to have toys, but I’m not having money to buy it.”
The tree replied, “Sorry, but I did not have money, but you can take all of my fruit and sell it. You can get the money to buy toys. “
The boy was very happy. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. However, after that the boy never came back. The tree was sad again.
One day the boy returned again. He’s grown up and married. Tree was so excited.
“Come play with me anymore,” said the apple tree.
“I do not have the time,” replied the boy. “I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Will you help me? “
“Sorry, but I don’t have a house. But you can cut down all of my branches to build your house”, said the apple tree. Then the boy cut all of the branches and twigs that apple tree and left happily.
The tree was also felt happy to see the boy happy, but the boy never came back again. The tree was lonely and sad again.
One hot summer day, the boy returned again. He is old. The tree was delighted.
“Come and play again with me,” the tree said.
 “I’m sad,” said the boy. “I’m old and want to live in peace. I want to go on vacation and sailing. Will you give me a boat to cruise? “
“Sorry, but I don’t have a boat. But you may cut my trunk and use it to create a ship that you want. Go sailing and have fun. “Later, the boy cut the tree trunk and makes a dream ship.
He then went sailing and never again came to the apple tree.
Finally, the boy returned again after all these years later.
“I’m sorry my son,” said the apple tree.
“I do not have apple for you anymore.”
“It’s okay. I also have no teeth to bite your fruit, “replied the boy.
“I don’t have a trunk and branches you can climb,” said the apple tree.
“Now, I’m too old for that,” replied the boy.
“I really do not have anything more can I give to you. What remains is my roots old and dying, “said the apple tree with tears.
“I do not need anything else right now,” said the boy. “I just need a place to rest. I was so tired after all these years. “
“Oooh, sounds good. Do you know? The root of old trees is the best place to lie down and rest. Come, lay in the arms of my roots and rest in peace. “
The boy lay in the arms of tree roots. The tree was glad and smiled with tears in his eyes.

"Your true friends will always be there to help you, even when he/she didn't have anything" 